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hosted by Lee Cleasby

FYR059 Andrew Craig | How Financial Literacy Can Make You Wealthy


Financial Literacy with Andrew Craig, Part 1.  Andrew is an ex-investment banker, founder of plain English finance, and author of Amazon best-sellers, How to own the world and live on less, invest the rest.

Andrew believes the reason so many people struggle financially is, very simply, because they have never learned enough about money or financial markets.

After working for many years in the finance industry Andrew realised there was a significant disconnect between the wealth of an individual and the level of financial education they had, so he set up Plain English Finance in 2011 because of one simple truth: Understanding finance is the single most important factor for your financial success.

Part two will be published in a few days.


0:00 to 2:20 Introduction

2:21 to 9:45 Andrew Craig’s story and journey so far.

9:46 to 12:35 Andrew’s plan and vision for Plain English Finance

12:36 to 14:08 Launching a diversified defensive fund and a biotech fund

14:09 to 15:10 Thinking about risk and your age when investing.

15:11 to 18:32 Leveraging the stock market to build wealth.

18:33 to 23:05 Investing vs trading and life lessons

23:05 to 27:44 Saving, investing, and the power of financial literacy.

27:45 to 29:45 Final words, leading into part two of the conversation

Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day.

The FYR team.

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