FYR 023: Part Seven Brokers and How to Access the Currency Markets

Hosted by Lee Cleasby
FYR 023: Part Seven Brokers and How to Access the Currency Markets
Welcome to part seven of this mini-series on currency investing. This is the final part of the seven-part mini-series covering how to select a broker and how to access the currency markets. During this episode, the focus is on the different ways to access the global currency markets, and how to select the right broker that suits your needs.
We will be covering:
- Options
- Futures
- Exchange-Traded Funds also known as ETFs
- Spot Forex
- And spread betting, spread betting is for UK residents
- And how to select a broker that best suits you
Timestamps as follows:
▸0:00 to 0:57 Introduction.
▸0:58 to 1:18 Review of last week’s episode.
▸1:19 to 2:49 Introduction to currency options.
▸2:50 to 4:41 Currency futures contract.
▸4:42 to 5:34 Exchange traded fund also known as ETF’s.
▸5:35 to 6:09 Spot forex.
▸6:10 to 7:15 Spread betting UK residents only.
▸7:16 to 9:50 How to select the right broker to suit your needs.
▸9:50 to 11:01 wrap up.
Have a wonderful day.
The FYR team.