FYR 014: Hywel discusses trending on LinkedIn, LinkedIn hashtags and building a solid business foundation

Hosted by Lee Cleasby
FYR 014: Hywel discusses trending on LinkedIn, LinkedIn hashtags and building a solid business foundation
Hywel joined us for episode 10 discussing business planning, how covid-19 has affected the business environment and the growth and success of online business networking.
One area we touched on was creating a solid business foundation, which to me, is so crucial for setting up a successful business, so I asked Hywel to come back on and expand on the areas required for a solid business foundation.
▸0:00 to 1:30 Introduction.
▸1:31 to 2:20 How Hywel’s consultancy business has been getting back to the new normal.
▸2:21 to 6:38 Building a business on a solid foundation.
▸6:40 to 8:31 Underatsning what your mission and vision are and the difference between them.
▸8:32 to 10:49 The acceleration towards an entrepreneurial economy.
▸0:50 to 12:05 The rise of Hywel, the influencer and the influencer market.
▸12:06 to 15:56 Trending on Linkedin, topics, hashtags and how to.
▸15:57 to 18:56 The importance of a one to one
▸18:57 to 21:09 Wrap up
Have a wonderful day,
The FYR team.